Join the Tripsim community
At Tripsim we help travellers stay connected in over 150 destinations globally. We want to build a community of partners who travel frequently or are digital nomads, so that we can showcase the connectivity of our mobile internet eSIMs. Our eSIMs are digital, so there is no plastic or physical delivery, you simply scan the QR code on the confirmation page after your purchase and you are ready to go. We do not have a mobile app as we believe in easing the experience for travellers, so we offer a web app that you can simply save on your home screen. Connect with speeds up to 5G where available, rely on multiple mobile networks in the same destination, and you can also share your data with friends via hot spotting. From affiliate commission to discount codes, we offer tons of perks when you work with us. Apply today to become part of our creator community.
Partnership opportunities
- Discount codes
- Affiliate marketing
- Additional opportunities
- Campaigns